
InBox SurveyPlus

Version 7.0.1

Creation date 2021-06-03


Module to add functionality to the Survey.



The following versions of Znuny Framework are supported:

  • [7.0.x]


The following modules are required:

  • InBox Core 7.0.1 or superior

Operating System

The following operating systems are required:

  • [None]

Third Party Software

The following third parties software is required:

  • Survey
  • List::MoreUtils


bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ SurveyPlus-7.0.1.opm


This module can be configured via "System Configuration" in the administrative interface. The following configuration options are available:


Enable the functionality of do not sending surveys to tickets children.


Defines the rule so that a question becomes mandatory from the answer of another predefined.

To do this, simply define in the key the text of the question defined in the survey. In the first value, the required answer for the informed question is defined. In the second value, you define the text of the question that will become mandatory.



Enabling this setting will allow multiple surveys in ** Master ** state. It is possible that all surveys in Master state will be sent and can be managed.


This setting allows you to map survey responses to the desired dynamic fields.

To do this, simply define in the key field the question you want to save, and in the value field the name of the dynamic field that will save the answer given to the question in question. As in the example below:


The first column refers to the key, ie the survey question, and the second column refers to the value, which is the name of the dynamic field.

Note: All questions must be mapped to be saved in text-type dynamic fields, except for questions that are "Text area" type, they must be mapped to "Text area" dynamic fields.


This setting allows you to map some search data to the desired dynamic fields.

To do so, simply define in the key field the key you want to save, and in the value field the name of the dynamic field that will save the data in question. As in the example below:


The first column refers to the key, that is, the search data, and the second column refers to the value, which is the name of the dynamic field.

The following data is available for saving:

  • SurveyID: ID of the survey that was submitted.

  • VoteTime: Date and time the poll was answered.

  • SendTo: Email where the survey was sent.

  • TicketID: Caller ID where the survey was submitted.

  • SendTime: Date and time the survey was sent to the customer.


Columns to be displayed in AgentSurveyStats module



Groups that are allowed to see all responses (otherwise only tickets owned by the user will be displayed)


In this configuration, a Javascript file is loaded, it is added when installing the module. However it can be add manually.



This setting defines the parameters for generating the NPS report. It is possible to divide the results between Detractors, Neutrals and Promoters, adding the notes equivalent to them, separated by '-'.

enter image description here

Be careful to add the highest value at the beginning of the range and not change the name of the keys

In this configuration, for example, grades between 0 and 6 will be considered as Detractors.


This setting defines the number of records per page


With this configuration, insert in each line the attribute to be displayed in the list to respect the order. For example: TicketNumber, Queue, OwnerName Remembering that the item must also be in DefaultColumns hash configuration.


Enables the display of graphs for each question and its answers


Enables searching for queue groups. In the key, inform the name to be displayed and then the queue names. Example: Development => ['Development', 'Development::N1', 'Development::N2']


Configuring the module

To use this module, you must first create a survey with the Survey module. To do this, access the menu Survey->New. And create a new survey. Also define the questions.

Important: Define a question of type radio (obligatorily), because it will be from it that we will define the question (type TextArea, obligatorily) required.

Now configure the rule in the InBox::SurveyPlus::RequiredQuestions setting.

Submit the survey and verify validation.

Answering Survey - Mapping Survey Data and Responses

To use the module, just the settings are correct that when answering the search it will perform the mapping and save the values ​​defined in each dynamic field.

Survey Details

The module adds a queue filter and send date in the AgentSurveyDetail module. To use it, just click the menu 'Stats Details':


The filters and the option to export the report will be displayed:


Possible filters are:

  • Queue: Filter only Searches sent in the selected queue.
  • Type: Filter only Searches sent in the selected type.
  • Owner: Filter only Searches sent in the selected owner.
  • Customer: Filter only Searches sent in the selected customer.
  • Responsible: Filter only Searches sent in the selected responsible.
  • Service: Filter only Searches sent in the selected service.
  • SLA: Filter only Searches sent in the selected SLA.
  • Priority: Filter only Searches sent in the selected priority.
  • Questions: filter determines which questions will be displayed with your answers.
  • Period: Search filter only Searches sent in the selected period.
  • Answered surveys: filter only searches answered.
  • Add total: Selecting this checkbox will add in the last lines the total of Yes and No answers.

Note: When selecting the checkbox to display total Yes / No answers, only one YesNo question is required in the survey.

Performing a filter displays the columns configured in SurveyDetails::Core###DefaultColumns and the responses of each search.

And the total of Yes/No, if it is selected:


Viewing the NPS report

To view the NPS report, navigate to the 'Search -> NPS report' menu.

In the 'Search' field it will be possible to filter the searches only with NPS questions: enter image description here

After generating the report, it is possible to check the total votes, the total votes that fit in 'Promoter', the total votes that fit in 'Neutral' and the total votes that fit in 'Detrator':

enter image description here

And then immediately the calculation of NPS per question and total NPS: enter image description here

The NPS calculation is generated using the following formula: % NPS =% Promoters -% Detractorsres